The content on this page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or recommendation. Any de-performance reference or simulation contained in announcements issued by MH Markets cannot be relied upon as a reliable indicator of future results. Clients are solely responsible for all their business or investments with MH Markets.

Regional restrictions: MH Markets does not provide CFDs to residents of the United States, Iran, and Canada or a country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Conflicts of interest exist in all business and financial services organizations.

We live in a complex world where conflicts of interest abound, however, we recognize that our business is first and foremost based on the trust we have with our clients, and we must identify and manage these conflicts.

Therefore, we have adopted a number of policies, procedures, and methods to identify, assess, and manage these conflicts of interest.

The purpose of this disclosure statement is to identify, in summary form, the conflicts we encounter as an institution and to describe how we address the challenges posed by those conflicts.

We are aware that conflicts may arise in certain circumstances between MH Markets, its directors and employees, and other related and affiliated companies.

To prevent and minimize the risk that such conflicts may result in harm to our clients’ interests, we have adopted certain internal systems, procedures, and controls as follows:

üPersonal account transaction restrictions for all employees.

üInternal disclosure requirements for all employees that cover the giving and receiving of gifts or other items in connection with our business.

üInternal separation of functions when multiple functions performed by the same person would increase the risk of conflict.

üMaintain an independence policy that requires our directors and employees to act in the best interest of our clients regardless of any conflicts of interest.

üRestrictions on access to data stored in electronic or paper form. Our directors, officers and employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of all information entrusted to them, except where disclosure is required by law.

üIn addition, employees may not use such information for personal gain.

üWhen we believe that these measures are not sufficient to prevent the risk of harm to our clients from a particular conflict, we will make a general statement that allows our clients to consider their situation and decide whether to continue using our services.

üIn particular, we provide investment advice or recommendations to a client who is also using the trading services of a related organization or affiliate.

üWe arrange the transaction or arrange for a third party to provide the transaction services for a fee or commission charged by us or a subsidiary.

üSuch general disclosures may be made orally or in writing prior to or at the time of the transaction.

For any other conflicts that we determine will result in a risk of harm, we will make special disclosures, either orally or in writing, when we discover the conflict.

Protecting the privacy of clients and website visitors and safeguarding the security of their personal and financial information is one of MH Markets' primary responsibilities. The Privacy Statement below explains how MH Markets collects and protects your information. The " MH Markets " referred to here includes all the companies and departments of MH Markets, including.

According to the Privacy Statement, once you open an account in MH Markets or use MH Markets' website, you agree to MH Markets' collection and use of your personal information in accordance with the content of this Privacy Policy.

MH Markets obtains your personal information from you directly or indirectly through your relationship with MH Markets.

MH Markets may use the information it collects from you to confirm your identity and contact details, open your trading account, set up a trading account and password for you, maintain your account activity, contact you for account-related information, or for other reasons.

This information also helps MH Markets to improve the quality of our services, to personalize your browsing experience, and to provide you with information about other products, services, offers, etc. that may be of interest to you.

Most of the information MH Markets obtains about you is provided directly by you, including your name, mailing address, phone number, email, and other contact information.

In addition, MH Markets is required by law to collect information that can identify you, including your social Security number, passport number, or tax number.

MH Markets also collects your personal background information, including gender, date of birth, education, and employment status, when you open an account.

MH Markets’ regulatory authorities also require MH Markets to assess your trading experience, gross annual income, gross net worth, and tolerable risk capital, using all of this information to assess your financial position.

You may want to provide such information to MH Markets by submitting an account opening application and relevant documents, sending an email to MH Markets, or submitting information to MH Markets for a special offer.

Information that MH Markets collects from you indirectly includes: your IP address, browser type, operating system, network provider, server clock, and transaction records.

If you close your account, MH Markets will retain your information but will only use it if it complies with regulatory regulations and if it regularly contacts you and offers you the opportunity to reopen your account or take part in other offers.

We will use our best efforts to actively comply with all anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws and regulations in accordance with applicable domestic and foreign laws.

Money will usually be returned to the deposit account in the name of the same beneficiary.

Refunds will normally be made to a deposit account in the name of the same beneficiary.

If you request a refund to an account other than the deposit account, it is up to you to decide how to handle that refund.

We may require additional documentation from our clients for internal periodic reviews in accordance with our regulatory obligations.

Definition of Third-Party

A third party is any other person who is not the account holder.

The trading account name must exactly match the registered name of the account at the other financial institution in order to make a deposit or withdrawal.

Providing Additional Documentation

The Customer Due Diligence (“CDD”) program requires us to verify the source of customer funds.

This is fundamental to complying with anti-money laundering laws and managing the risk of fraud.

Therefore, we may require you to provide a bank statement or credit card statement containing the following information: the account holder’s name (which must match the account name) and the last four digits of the account number and/or payment information to.

How to provide the required documents to MH Markets

You can choose to upload your documents by logging into the CRM system.

Or send the documents by email to support@MH 

Except for the following situations, MH Markets shall not sell, license, lease or disclose your personal information to any affiliates or third parties for any reason: If your personal information is required to provide you with the products or services you request, or to provide you with the opportunity to use products or services provided by MH MARKETS affiliates, MH MARKETS can share the information with its affiliates.

In order to improve service quality, MH MARKETS may engage other companies to be responsible for certain internal affairs such as account processing, execution, client service, client satisfaction surveys, or other data collection related to MH MARKETS’s business.

MH MARKETS may also provide client information in the database to non-affiliated third parties, including your name, address, phone number, and email, to help MH MARKETS analyze and clarify client needs and inform product and service information, or perform general marketing and sales.

MH MARKETS also cooperates with non-affiliated third parties to provide valuable high-quality products and services for MH MARKETS’s client service.

In order to ensure that such products and services can meet your needs and are provided in an effective and appropriate manner, MH MARKETS may share some of your personal information with these unaffiliated third parties.

For all non-affiliated third parties who share your non-public personal information with MH MARKETS, MH MARKETS will require them to agree to keep your information confidential and only use it for limited, cooperating with MH MARKETS, or to comply with the law.

In addition, when unaffiliated third parties provide you with products or services, MH MARKETS usually requires them to disclose that the extension of this product service is due to your relationship with MH MARKETS.

MH MARKETS also strives to ensure that these unaffiliated third parties implement appropriate data security measures to ensure that your personal information is not obtained and used without permission.

MH MARKETS reserves the right to provide your personal information to third parties when required by law to provide relevant information to regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies or other government agencies.

In addition, MH MARKETS may also disclose your information for the needs of credit review or collection agency companies, or to protect the rights or property of MH MARKETS.

Any time you choose to purchase another company’s products or services, such as by clicking on an advertisement on a website owned or controlled by MH MARKETS, the personal information you share with that company will no longer be governed by MH MARKETS’s Privacy Statement.

MH MARKETS is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of linked websites and has no control over the use and protection of the information you provide or collected by these websites.

Anytime you choose to link to a co-branded site or visit a linked site, you may be asked to provide registration or other information.

Please note that the information you provide will be passed on to a third party, and you must first familiarize yourself with the privacy policy posted by that third party.

MH MARKETS uses network security software, systems, and procedures, and strives to provide you with a safe trading environment and protect your personal, financial, and trading information.

When you open an account with MH MARKETS, you will get a unique account number, username, and password. Only a small number of MH MARKETS employees who must know your information because of their work need to know your account number, user name, and password. Remember: The primary responsibility for maintaining the security of your account information such as account number, username, and password is you. MH MARKETS strongly recommends that you do not disclose this information to anyone else.

MH MARKETS's website and online account opening page use encryption technology to protect information transmission between MH MARKETS and you, and use e-commerce certification authority (Certificate Authority in English) to certify MH MARKETS's website and ensure the safety of transactions and client online applications, to help you identify whether you are connecting to the MH MARKETS website.

Once MH MARKETS substantially changes the content of this privacy statement, the revised privacy statement will be posted on the website immediately. By opening an account with MH MARKETS, you agree that the electronic notice of revision of the Privacy Statement posted on the website is the actual notice.

In some cases, such as MH MARKETS sharing your personal information with unaffiliated third parties, you can contact MH MARKETS through the contact information below to inform MH MARKETS that you wish to “opt out”. For joint accounts, the opt-out decision of one of the account holders may apply to all holders of the joint account. If you hold multiple accounts with MH MARKETS, you must submit a separate withdrawal request for each account.

Any disputes arising from the Privacy Statement must be governed by this notice and MH MARKETS’s Client Agreement. If you have any other questions not mentioned in this statement, please contact the client service representative of MH MARKETS.

Email : 


MH Markets uses cookies and web beacons (also known as web behavior tags or single-pixel GIF images), and other technologies (collectively referred to as cookies), to obtain available data to improve your user experience and help MH Markets understand you better. Cookies are small text files that are sent by a web server and may be stored on your computer. Through cookies, MH Markets can learn how you visit the MH Markets website, the time you visit the website, the pages you visit, and recognize that you have logged in when MH Markets receives a page access request from your web browser. MH Markets may point the information stored in the cookie to the personally identifiable information you submit on the MH Markets website. MH Markets will never disclose this information to any third party. Cookies can be read by MH Markets and do not contain any personal information, nor any account or password information. MH Markets cannot and will not collect your browsing information on other websites.

MH Markets may share the information of users visiting MH Markets website with advertising companies with good reputations for the purpose of Internet advertising targeting. The information shared cannot be used for personal identification. MH Markets may also use third-party software to track and analyze access and traffic data, including page requests, form requests, and click paths, and such tracking may set cookies on behalf of MH Markets.

All web browsers allow you to block cookies. If your web browser is set to allow cookies, you agree to MH Markets' use of cookies in the manner described above. If you choose to block cookies, you can still use MH Markets' services, but some features may not work as originally designed.

Trading margin FX and CFDs carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage can work against you. Before deciding to invest with us, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, financial situation and needs. You should be aware of all the risks associated. The advice provided by us is of general nature only. We do not provide financial advice nor trading recommendations. We strongly recommend you seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

Any over-the-counter forex transaction carries considerable risks, including (but not limited to) security funding requirements, credit reliability, limited legal protection, and market volatility that may significantly affect the price or trading volume of a currency or currency pair.

Safe Funding and Safe Funding Requirements

Safe Funding and Safe Funding Requirements In order to trade CFDs or Forex, you need to deposit a certain amount of funds as safe funds. Safe funds generally refer to a relatively small fraction of the total contract value. For example, a contract with a leverage ratio of 1% requires 1% of the contract value as a security fund. This means that a small price change may lead to a larger change in the value of your trading contract, which may be beneficial to you or cause you a significant loss.

You may lose your initial capital and be required to add additional safety funds to maintain your position.

If you fail to meet the safety fund requirements, your open positions will be forced to close out, and the resulting losses will be borne by you.

Market Analysis

Any opinions, news, research, analysis, prices, and other information published on this website are general advice, not investment advice. The market commentary has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to provide independence of investment research, and it is therefore not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of dissemination. Although this commentary is not produced by an independent source, MH Markets takes all sufficient steps to eliminate or prevent any conflicts of interests arising out of the production and dissemination of this communication.

Disclaimer of Warranties:

Neither MH Markets, nor its Affiliates make any warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of this content or as to the results to be attained by you or others from the use of the content of our market analysis. You hereby acknowledge that there are no express or implied warranties of title, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, and that you shall not rely upon any warranty, guaranty or representation made by MH Markets or its Affiliates.

No Liability:

Neither MH Markets, or its Affiliates shall in any way be liable to you or to any of your clients for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions, regardless of cause, in the content provided hereunder or for any damages (whether direct or indirect) resulting therefrom. Without limiting the foregoing, MH Markets shall have no liability whatsoever to You, whether in contract (including any indemnity), in tort (including negligence), under a warranty, under a statute or otherwise, in respect of any loss or damage suffered by you or any of your clients as a result of or in connection with any opinions, recommendations, forecasts, judgements, or any other conclusions, or any course of action determined, by you or any of your clients, whether or not based on this content.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will MH Markets or its Affiliates have any liability to you or any third party accessing the Information through You, arising from contract (including under any indemnity), in tort (including negligence), under any warranty (express or implied), under statute or otherwise, in each case for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages with respect to the subject matter and/or use of the Information, including, but not limited to, in respect of any loss of profits, loss of revenue, lost business, loss of opportunity regardless of whether such damages could have been foreseen or prevented or advised to MH Markets.

Web Page

The web pages have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of such information on the website. The information content of the Website is subject to change at any time and without notice.